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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Finding the right balance. (A)

  You will see throughout your life that when making a decision you will always find yourself looking for some sort of balance. It is essential that you do this because your action today will reflect what will become tomorrow of your future. Sometime to impress others and to save time we make an irrational decision without thinking about the cause and effect. Of course there is no such thing as a perfect decision. But you must always think through of what ever you're going to do. Whether it will be a business decision, a relationship decision, a family decision or even a spiritual decision. Sometimes you may not even be conscious of it but you will be making a decision based on some sort of balance. You probably asking yourself, why am I talking about balance. While it is simple, we are always trying to make a decision that would have a positive outcome. But believe it or not sometime we have to make a negative decision to have a positive outcome.

Let me give you one small sample "the truth". This word plays an important role in our daily life. It is something we are always looking for and is also something we would like to always say. An example, in my own personal opinion I believe in order to have a healthy body being vegetarian plays an important role in your health. But you will know that not everybody would agree with that statement. So how will I go about in interacting with people on a daily basis who may not be vegetarian. While this is where balance come in. Although I believe it is true that vegetarian may be better for you, it is not necessarily has to be the truth for others.
 First you must find respect tour other people who do not have the same view that you have. You should not go around forcing people to see your particular view no matter how you feel or even though you believe that it would help them.Sometime people are happy and fulfilled just as they are.

{I AM not going to get into the subject in this article as to why I feel the vegetarian will be better for you. I would leave that for another time when I will talk about this subject.}

 But for now I must find balance as to when it is called for to tell someone why vegetarian is a good idea. Although I have lot of friends that are not vegetarian that does not mean in any way that they are unable or incapable of being a kind and decent human being. I must always think how other may feel. Again, like I said looking for balance.

 So I must restrain myself from telling people the important of being vegetarian even though they might help them in the long run. I know that sounds negative. But I always believe there is a right time and the right place for everything. If I go around imposing upon other people that vegetarian is a great thing, I will find the situation that people instead of recognizing the issue they made go against the issue. So the best thing I can do is try to be a good example when I AM around with friends that they see me eating vegetarian food. I will then wait until they ask me why I AM vegetarian. Then at that time the issue will be open for discussion.By finding the balance you can solve many issues and situation that may come your way in your life.

Well that's all I have to say for now in regarding the balance and the truth. I would touch the subject again in the near future.

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Bless you all and be well.

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