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Friday, September 30, 2016

Finding the right Balance (C)

  When you look at this object some people would come into their mind a symbol that represent LAW or Justice. Other people may see it that it represent science or even medicine. But no matter what comes into your mind this symbol representation can be used in any conversation. One of the main representation of this object is balance. Everything in life require balance. Even knowledge require balance. Sometime when we learned anything in particular we need a time to reflect the things we have learned, for if we continue to go into the bottom deep-sea we might reach to the bottom and feel the pressure of the ocean above. Even when we go into the ocean submarine we begin to descend slowly so we would not feel the pressure of the ocean, for if we go too fast you know very well what might happen. Knowledge has almost the same principle in which we must learn things as knowledge goes deep within herself the mind and the soul begins to feel the pressure of knowing and discovering and awaking. So using this symbol we must learn knowledge with balance meaning learning things fast but not too fast, opening our mind but not opening too much, seeking for knowledge but not seeking too much knowledge. Everything we do in life must always be in balance and everything that is given to us in life is always in balance. Even the pain that we get is always in balance in what we are able to endure. We are never giving too much pain that goes beyond what we are able to endure. No matter what you do in life always remember how can you put things into balance, or how can balance be used to deal or understand with that particular situation. Without knowing you become your own psychiatrist, philosopher, teacher and even master.

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Friday, September 2, 2016

Wisdom from an Owl (T)

   This is our earth, not mine not yours but ours. Only one earth not two not three, but one. And only one creator that created this one earth, not two creator or multiple creator, but only one.

Only that one creator put upon all his creation on this one earth, not some of his creation or half of his creation, but all his creation. And that one creator put upon this one particular earth all his creation to work and function and coexist with others.

So why is it some people believe that a creator will ask to destroy another creation if it doesn't follow to fit a particular agenda. It is almost like a former would plant apple tree orange tree pear tree mango tree, and then pass a law saying that all orange tree are unacceptable and should be destroyed. You're probably thinking that doesn't make sense.

So why is it that one individual or a group of individual should have the right and believe that another group of individual should be destroyed because of a particular ideology. Like when Hitler said that there should be a superior race and we should eliminate all inferior race. And when a particular book it is written that if someone cannot follow that particular creator ideology that they should be destroyed.

You know there's something definitely wrong with that philosophy.

You know that there are many different kinds of people with different kinds of ideas and with different kinds of belief, and you may not agree with some of them. So we need to learn to compromise and coexist with each other for we all come from the same creator.

But when there is an individual or a group of individual that does not believe in coexisting with others, that is when one should setback and contemplate and see that there is something wrong. Why a creator to create something and then asked to be destroyed. That is only something that a human concept will come up with, not a creator.

Even in the story of Noah when the creator decided to destroy what he has created. Even in the story the creator saw that there was something wrong with that and promise never to do it again. The creator confirmed his comments and gave us the rainbow to show his confirmation that it will never be done again. Whether or not people believe in the story of Noah but the story shows through metaphor and the concept of destroying other is not acceptable.

And yet now we are living in a time that humanity is going through a Holocaust and we are sitting back and discussed and whether or not that action may offend someone belief. Are we asking or seeking the possibility of another flood because we lack the ability to coexist with others? I hope not.

But if we continue on the path that we are in at this moment in time something will be done to find balance again. Humanity must find order to find harmony in coexisting with others.

Because we only have one planet Earth.

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Thank you and be well.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Appreciating for what you have. (B)

    Welcome to my blog and I hope you're going to like this article. My way of speaking and thinking has always been in a way of metaphor and Theosophical so I hope you will be able to follow. I do not do this to complicate things or to impress people, but simply is the way I express myself.

    For a very long time people has debated the half-full and half-empty glass philosophy. Yes I call it philosophy because of many different philosophy and even wisdom has arise from this simple situation. The scenario of half-full and half-empty can be applied for just about any situation in your life. It can be used for politics, scientific, business, farming and even your personal life. In this article I will apply in our personal life, but even that has many different areas. In your personal life it can be applied on what you think, eat, feel and it can also be applied on family relation, friends and companion.

Let us see where this would take us. I would like to begin by saying that the glass represent the physical form, whether it is your body or the world, and the water represent the things in this world or the things that you putting your body or in your mind. Let us saying that the glass represent the body and the water represent the experience that came across in your life. People always complaining on how other people has experienced more than themselves. But what many people have failed to see that even though other have more experience throughout life but has done very little to fulfill them.
In another word your cup may be half-full on what little experience you may have had in your life, but the other person may also have their cup may be half-full also by their many experience they have had in their life. So how could that be possible that two people have their cup half-full? Because the person that had less experience that came in their life has giving them more strength and wisdom then the person that had more experience that came across their life. In another word it is not the quantity but the quality. Putting this in a metaphor point of view, one may have a cleaner and pure water then the other person that has cloudy and impure water.

So the problem does not fall within what others may or may not have but to see what you have and has reach to. You should be more concerned about your cup then the other person cup. For at the end you are the one to have to drink the water that you have put in your cup. You are going to be responsible for the things you put within yourself. All the good and bad experience that came across your life you should have taken it to give you more strength and more wisdom. But other have taking the experience that came across their life and had gained less strength and less wisdom. The journey through life may not be the same learning experience as other. If you would take two people and expose them to the same situation, at the end the result would be different from those two individual.

One may also say that the cup may not be the same for everybody. The size of the cup may be the same but the thickness of the glass may be different. That could be interpreted as to the physical body. Some people may be more flexible than other and some people may have more or less limitation of what they can do. But nevertheless the quality of the water that go within the cup is your responsibility. Only you are responsible for your actions and how it takes you through your life.

    You must realize that when you came into this world you came into this world with an empty cup. What you put in is simply your responsibility. You can put in your cup alcohol, soda full of sugar, coffee or impure water. Or you can put in your cup pure water, herbal tea or natural juice. But there is also something that people do not realize that along the way through the experience of life you can always change the content inside the cup. If for some reason you discover that you have impure water, simply remove the impure water and add pure water. It may sound very simple but for many people it may not sound that simple. Sometime removing ideas and philosophy may indicate to other people that they were wrong when all this time they were saying that they were right. So they become stubborn and refused to remove the unwanted liquid in their cup to show that they are unwilling to back down or change. Of course there could be a situation in which you are right but the other person is unwilling to admit that there wrong. Yes I know sometime some philosophy is a tug-of-war. That is why you must only see but a sincere and honest point of view of what you have put in your cup throughout the journey of life. Only you can judge and criticize yourself for only you can have to live with yourself for your actions.

I myself has changed the content of what was in my cup many times throughout my life. I try not to worry too much about what others may think, but tried to see the content that I put in my cup. For at the end of the circle of life you will take what you have put inside your cup and taking to your next destination. No one is going to help me cross the bridge for it is my responsibility and the will to take me to the next level. Yes I do listen to others point of view and philosophy and wisdom. But for at the end it is not going to be the point of view, philosophy or wisdom that is going to help me cross the bridge but is going to be my very own action and will that would take me across. Those other sources are only going to be my guide and instruction on how I should do and understand things.

Here are some point of view on how one can interpret the half full and half empty philosophy.

  There are many more things I can talk about regarding to this philosophy, but for now I'm going to leave it to that. I hope you can walk away with some new insight and wisdom to add and improve your life.
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