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Thursday, April 9, 2015

How is everything connected? (B)

    Hi there and welcome to my blog. In continuing talking about how is everything connected from part (A), I would talk about in this article, not like I did in part (A) in the physical sense, but in a mentally or spiritual sense. In the previous article, it was all about how we are connected in the physical world. But we are also connected in other ways that we are quite not aware of. So far scientists has been able to detect through electrical impulse created in your brains to find out which part of your brain control which part of your body. Scientists has also learned which part of your brain is used to determine your memories, creativity, learning process, emotion, mechanical understanding, your five senses process and many other things in which require your brain. And yet somehow, according to scientists we use only 10% our brain capacity.

For now I will talk about in another form in which we use our brain that may not fall in a scientific concept. I'm talking about mentalism. It is how what we think affect not only our physical body, but also affect your surrounding. I know there is no scientific proof or understanding in regarding to this subject. But like I mentioned before in other articles that this is based on my philosophy truth, which means that it is my truth, but you may consider it as a philosophy. In my studies of different religion and philosophy in which what we think it is send out into the world in the form of mentalism vibration affecting others and the world. That is why it is so important to always have a positive attitude and a positive mentality. Even though you may be in the privacy of your home with no one there, it does not mean that you cannot imposed on to others. Like I mentioned before that we are connected in many ways, in the physical world, but we also connected in the nonphysical world or spiritual world.

   When you send out negative thought toward others. It is almost like inflicting harm to other in a physical form. As to give you an example; I personally do not believe that the Islamic religion is not a religion but more as a cult. But whether that may be true, that does not mean I should wish upon them negative thought. Even though the Islamic cult ideology believe in killing and destruction toward other that does not believe in their Islamic ideology. It still does not mean that I should desire their destruction or death, for that would not make me better than them. What I should do is pray or think that somehow they will find freedom away from the Islamic cult.
I know there will be lots of people that will be totally disagreed with my objective. Especially those who had personal encounter that has received emotional or physical harmed due to the Islamic cult. Like for instant soldiers who had went to fight and stop the persecution caused by the Islamic cult, and has come back home with emotional or physical wounds. They will probably be the first one to tell me that one way to take care of the Islamic cult is by killing them all. I would totally understand the reason for that. Or have seen videos of what they are capable of doing toward other human beings. Even sometime I wonder if sending them prayer or positive thought would do any good. But on the surface it may not seem that it would do any good, but it does make some part a different.
By for an example, a parent raising a child. You tell a child that he or she should not play with fire, for it can cause severe pain if they do. But for some reason or another, the child neglect to understand what the parent was trying teaching them, and attempt to play with fire. So the parent have no other choice than to slap their  child on hands and announced in a more firm manner not to play with fire anymore for not only that it may harm the skin, but they will be punished if they continue to play with fire. All parents wish that their children can learn and obeying what their parents are trying to teach them. But apparently some time good words are not enough. But what I'm trying to suggest that we may try all different avenues in order to achieve the same objective.

But without getting into too much of an argument or debate and how we should pursue the Islamic cult. One thing is for certain that if we so desire for peace in our lives and in the world we must project and think peace toward other in the world. Thinking negative has never really solve any problem, but thinking positive does make a different. I say this based on personal experience. I knew of a person that always had a negative attitude toward everything and always made other people feel uncomfortable. But for some reason or another when that particular person came in contact with me that person had a different attitude. So why was that possible? It was simple, for I always send out toward that person to be covered in Bright light and desiring for that person to find peace within themselves. Because of that attitude I had toward the individual, when we come into contact that person for some reason was less negative when talking to me. This was not in any way mean controlling other people, rather than this was creating a harmony toward that person and me. That is my only proof and evidence that I have, in which I believe that sending positive thoughts toward others can make a different.

Not everything in this world can be proven scientifically, but sometimes you must go beyond the science and believe that you have a greater potential than your physically thinking. I believe if you have a soul that pursued life in a positive manner that you can project to other souls to bring out that positive attribute. But if you do not believe that you have a positive soul and you believe in the power of the mind. Then there is never a better time to begin to train yourself and to bring out that positive attribute. We all have it whether you believe it or not. For each and every single human being on this earth has the capacity to be influenced whether by negative or positive attribute. You have to make the first step in deciding what attribute you want to project into the world. But you must also remember that your action and you thought is like boomerang.

So that no matter what your throw onto the physical world it will also come back to you. If you throw positive thought you will receive positive action, if you throw negative thought you will receive negative action. I know a lot of you believing that. So despite everything that other may do no matter how terrible it may be, you must first try an effort and think toward them in a positive attribute.

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Bless you all and be well.

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