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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why do they know that? (A)


    On this particular article I will be talking about a topic that do not coincidence with my previous topics on this blog. But I asked that you bear with me and go through this article as I will reach to it a point that I'm trying to make. Thank you

    For centuries men have been discovering many great mysteries from around the world.Not only discovering ancient language written on stone tablet like rosetta stone,run stone,kensington rune stone,Mayans,Hopi Indian and the sumeria and many other. But starting from the great pyramid of the Egyptian to the great city of the sun in the Mayans culture to the Machu Picchu of the Aztec to the Stone Age of the Celtic and the Chaco Canyon in Arizona and many more places. Now during the recent decades, they are being discovered not only of the great mystery of how these places were built, but their particular site according to a particular magnetic field that surrounded earth. And not only that they are situated in a particular place but also in line with other ancient civilization. We can speculate that they have been travelers like Christopher Columbus and have communication with these ancient places sharing information and knowledge. They also have been great discovery of incredible measurement that we are just now beginning to understand, and get thousands of years and supposedly being of a primitive culture they knew of such measurement.
And I'm talking about like metatron cube,tetrahedron,piy,tetracty,athanasius kircher and many other form of measurement and symbolism.Do not worry if you do not know mathematic or symbolism for that is not the point I'm heading.Although this is fascinating and incredible how they are able to to know all understand the sophisticated measurement the spice the primitive lifestyle.

    But this is where I come in with my philosophy truth or in your case a theory. There had been speculation that the site were put their with influence not of this world. It is believed that they put in their as a guide Mark for them to know where those particular magnetic field of the earth. But I would dismiss that idea for now with my intuition that eBay have the technology to see where those particular magnetic field are they do not need a landmark to guide them. There's also a theory that these places were built to show those external visitors that we are aware of their existing. Because if that will be true they could make something more simple like the kazca lines in southern Peru instead of making these great structure that they must have used primitive tools and taking many years to build. No I believe this is much more than some sort of guide Mark or advertising others that is not of this world.

    I believe we human are like atom forming particular energy and forces. Ever wonder how you feel when you go to a particular place and you say to yourself "I like something about this place, I think that both the house here" or something like that. Or you may somebody and say "I do not know something about that person I do not like" or something like that. I'm not trying to imply anything about psychic ability. I'm talking about an internal sense that sometime guide us to do something or go somewhere. Even today scientists are trying to figure out when the egg in a woman womb the single cell began to divide equally the same many time into a certain point when the cells begin to shape differently from other cells. But one particular cell decide to become the head of this life form while another cell decide to become the feet and another cell decide to become the brain and another cell decide to become the height. And yet all of these cells came from the one single cell dividing exactly the same equally and get at a certain point a mysterious an unknown force dictate what cell to become what part of the that life form.

    I believe that we human move about in this world basically in the same way. The only thing is that some of us are more in tune than others. Those people in tune with the internal are more likely to perceive those forces on earth in which they are attracted to. But then how would you explain the sophisticated measurement and when designing these structures. Now I believe this is even more that just being in tune with your internal but in touch with the universal understanding. Have you ever seen cases in which someone will write down a music lyrics to later discover somebody else did similar, and someone would invent something for later discover that someone invented the same thing. Now this is the point that I'm trying to come in, that although we would like to believe that sometime we are the one that discover of any particular idea, and that we are the one that invented that particular thing. We are in fact in tune with that universal knowledge for every idea it is already there for you to capture and receive it. If you take the time to look at everything that has been invented, whether it may be a structure or a mechanical or electric device you we see some sort of universal expression in everything. This is where the philosophy come in that were as there is microcosm it will be expressed in a microcosm.

    So when you discover a hidden secret symbolism or mathematic equation, in a particular building or place of location, or a physical item or even the language that we speak, you must ask yourself how do they knew that, and why do they knew that. For the why did they knew that is more important, than how did they knew that. Even today the scientists are discovering that beside there is atom that have an electron in a proton, but also have another unknown energy that not only that binds them together, but move them to a particular sequence to become a particular element.

    What we should know is that when we move about that we are not moving because of the body we moved because our soul in which that is what we really are. But the soul also have an unknown energy force that move us in a particular direction. Some of us are more in tune of that internal force that other. You must see your body with the same manner that you see the clothing on you, you know that you are not that clothing, and when the time comes to that particular clothing has been worn out just simply take it out and put a new one on, but it doesn't mean that the new clothing is you also. The soul regard to the body in the same manner, so when the body has live a full circle of life the soul will then separate from the body and put on a new one. Although the statement may be a little bit too profound for many, what I'm trying to say is that as often as you can try to follow with your insight intuition for it was speak louder than your mind. For the purpose of this world we live in it is a giant University of learning and understanding. Human all speculate in the negative aspect of what goes on in this world but I would not waste my time on that, for those issues will resolving in time and humanity will continue.

    So I will be on the level with you and tell you if you find yourself standing at a square and you're looking at the center a maybe you're holding a compass on your left-hand and is seem to be pointing to the east. When you find the symbolism or a mathematic equation that will relate to that experience. You will first them be surprised of what you might discover and become excited, but when all is said and done find out how does that move you in relation to the universe, and there you will find new discovery and become excited. And do not be surprised if this even more.

    So I tell you now you do not need to go far into the universe to know and understand for all knowledge and wisdom is within you. No matter who you are or what level of education you have or what you have done in the past for now is the moment to live in will pay you for the future.

Before leaving any common please take a look at the information note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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