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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wisdom from an Owl (R)

This is a special lock that everyone has in their house [which is called life].

But not everyone has the same combination lock [which is called your path].

You must find the right sequent to unlock the door [which is called understanding}.

You will find yourself looking for different combination to unlock the door [which is called experience}.

But at the end you will eventually find the right combination [which is called illumination].

When you finally open the door, you will discover that you were not in a house, but in a room. For there you will find another door with a another combination lock to unlock the door.

You must understand that you are a lump of coal, not a diamond. You must go through many rooms, many understanding, many experienced and many illumination until you become a diamond.

So begin to open doors.

By Roland Oliva, the Owl.

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