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Monday, October 28, 2013

Why religion? (A)


    It is 2013 and we are living in a time of religious conflict. I am not making this article not to compare one religion over another, nor to state who has the bigger truth. Although there was a time when you belong to religion and that was it, you felt happy and content in your religious identity. But for the last 20 years all that has changed, as people become aware of other religions and philosophy. People began a tug-of-war of who had the biggest truth, who had the most profound teaching and who had the religion that was more compassion than other.

    Each religion holds something unique and wonderful in the own way, but I know a lot of people would disagreed with that. I believe religion is an important part of our life, they give us strength and stability. In make us honest and righteousness and promote good deed. Religion keep people from being destructive not only to ourselves, but to others also. But again I know that a lot of people who would disagree with that. Religion also inspire us to believe in a soul and a universal creator. They give us the inspiration that there is more to life and a continuing of life.

    And then there are the atheist who denies the existence of a creator. Although they tried to promote that they have a universal compassion but condemned other beliefs. And for the last couple of years their membership have grown. One can only speculate as to why. Some would say that they had conflict with their own religion. And other speculate that it is a matter of conflict with other or they were unable to grasp the spiritual unity with the creator.

    I tried to imagine a world without religion to see whether you can manage to still find themselves to be righteousness and content with themselves. Maybe a few can achieve it universal brotherhood to all mankind without religion. But I should emphasize that this will be a very few. So then what about the others. I am not in any way insinuating that humanity is ignorant and stupid or even week, and they are not capable of finding the righteousness within themselves. But I'm saying that they are people out there some who have an internal conflict within themselves and will project distortion if they would not be a religious foundation. I believe religion regardless some miss interpretation, it gives humanity of a sense of restraint and responsibility not only toward themselves but toward others.

    The way this world has developed by having different race and different religion and different ideas, we must all find some balance and compromise in respecting each other. Of course it is easy said than done. I have seen people who do have the capability of belong to a particular religion, and yet still get along with others despite their different belief. But unfortunately there is others that fall into the category of fanaticism. But do not jump to conclusions and start pointing other that you believe that are. They are those who believe that their religion is the supreme and only path to the creator. Throughout my life I've seen this argument go back and forth, and it is unique how they can find logic in their conflict.

    Although I was born in the atmosphere that always have a universal philosophy, I personally have chosen to be Jewish, not because it is better than others or the oldest or any other superficial reason. I decided to follow Judaism simply because it call to me the life that they carry on a daily basic. How it always show how to improve yourself by practicing different things that promote purifying yourself, and blessing just about everything. By purifying food through kosher preparation, and also preparing your home in a kosher manner. It also show me certain discipline that I can carry in my daily life in how I should conduct not only within myself, but toward others. One of those rules are the one that everyone is quite familiar with, and that is the 10 Commandments.
As you can see everything that I mentioned was base on how I can improve myself. I never mentioned how I can be more favorable toward God or even have a better opportunity to be accepted in his world. Everything that I mentioned has to do with self improvement. A religion should not be the one that promote separation or hatred not only for yourself, but to others. It should not encourage to inflict harm on toward others. that is not a religion of spiritual growth, but of spiritual distortion.

    I would like to see people post any comment no matter how small it is, showing how their religion makes them a better person. Tell me what makes you a righteous person and how you promote good deed. Do not compare the different between other religion to yours, or even compare how your religion has a better opportunity to enter in the world of the creator.

    I know there is much more to be said. But for now is less leave it to that. I will continue the subject in the later future.

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Bless you all and be well.

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