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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why do they knew that? (B)


    In continuing from part (A) I would like to elaborate a little but more on the topic. I have gotten some E-mail regarding some concern on this matter. Although it may seem to be confusing at first but as you will come to pay more it will become a little bit more clear. I am aware that a great deal of the reader mean I have a sophisticated understanding of mathematics. But don't worry it is very confusing even for me, I am not a mathematician so we basically are here together. I'm going to try my best to set some example of what I'm trying to say, and hopefully I will not complicate things even more. Remember a great deal of the information can be obtained throughout the Internet, so feel free to make some research.

    As I was trying to explain on the previous article part (A), I was trying to make a point that everything that is in nation and in human construction all have a series of sequence that are already set in motion by a universal mathematical sequence. No one can escape from it no matter how hard you try, for they are a movement that just have to flow and express in the river of the universe. Just like a river in nature, if we try and put up a damn to stop the flow of the river, eventually it will overflow the dam and continue on it regular course again. You cannot stop the flow of the river no matter what you do, so as you cannot stop the flow of the universal manifestation.

    Let me begin to give you an example in the shape of the Hexagon (image 1). This is a pretty much a universal shape and wish a lot of people can recognize. Like I was telling you before everything has a mathematic sequent that reflect in nature in many level. Like for instant the molecule of water H2O is represented as an hexagon (image 2). Does this mean that water knows mathematic? And in fact scientists are now studying ice crystal formation, and they have found a great majority of the ice crystal form in the shape of a hexagon (image 3). Does this mean ice crystal knows mathematic? And quartz crystal has the shape of hexagn (image 4). In honeybee comb also has the shape of an hexagon (image 5).And last and final the hexagon can also be seen in this satellite photo of the northern hemisphere of Saturn (image 6). Supposedly by the rotation of Saturn issue have a spiral kind of shape but instead a man affect an hexagon pattern.
I can go on but you know what I'm talking. Nature has developed the shape because of a mathematic secret of event the move about that the universe is expressing. It doesn't mean that these elements or molecule new certain mathematic equation in order to form the shape.

    From the shape of hexagon came about the mathematics study of the Metatron (image 7). I'm not going to get into the many shapes and symbolism that came out of the  metatron. And then the from the Metatron came about the mathematics study and shape of the Platonic Solids (image 8). These platonic shapes also can be found a molecule and elements, but I am not going to get into it for it will be long and exhausting. But all of these elements and molecules project a certain mathematic shape the scientists are still trying to understand the nation. But I still come to my original statement, that this doesn't mean these elements knew anything about mathematic equation, they are just simply following a mathematic universal expression. There have been studies of their that defined these particular shape to coexist with certain human emotion. But these are profound studies of the occult and I'm not going to get into this.

    But then here comes the real question, how did the people in ancient time
these mathematic shapes? Did they have some kind of out of the world interaction in which they were arrived to these mathematic understanding? Or did they have a deep understanding of mathematic, and if is so why they did it spread these studies to the general people? But instead you can find these mathematical shapes in the structured they built and sometime in their paintings. But SECRET an unknown to other for many century until now. For these mysteries only revealed how they knew the complex of mathematical.
Although I believe some of them knew some of the shape in which they have seen and study in nature. Just like I have show you in the honeybee comb (image 5) but also they must have study the seashell (image 9) in which it also came out of the study of Metatron (image 10).
But I also mostly believe just like in nature humanity follow and universal intuition. And when designing and placing the structures in certain places it may give the impression that it was done according by their personal action and design. But I believe they are following that universal expression and the expression that the earth is projecting. Does this mean that we are in a subtle way psychic or is it something more profound.

    I believe when that universal creator began is mathematic expression, it has also implanted not only in nature but in humanity that universal expression. Could this be what they meant by we are the image of the creator? Is it possible that we are expressing what the creator is also expressing? Maybe unknowingly those individual who created and designed the structure in these particulars places may be expressing something about the creator? Maybe what we should do is that instead of being fascinated by how perfectly mathematic equation that these places measured we should see what paper expression is behind them. And then we can learn how to better understand who we are and why do they knew that.

Before leaving any comment please take a look at the important note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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