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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making a happy home (B)


   In continuing from Making a happy home (A) I would like to add more detail on this topic. As I mentioned before they are very us different kind of home environment, but I have chosen to talk about on this issue as a family unity. As I mentioned on the previous article on how to deal with the morning before everyone leaves and in the evening when everyone has arrived, and also during the time when you sit down together for dinner. And I will believe that is pretty much the very basic.
   Now as all of you are very aware of that sometime it is unavoidable from having an argument from time to time. This will probably be different from family to family depending upon many different issues. But one thing is very basic that you must try to avoid arguing in front of children, the reason for that is they are probably too young to understand or realize the issue that adult may have. Children are always unaware that their parents are always talking to secure an insured thst their children well-being for now and for the future. Sometime these argument may be issues like financial or social issues.
   On the financial aspect they were probably be struggling to a sure that they shouldn't have what they need to have a healthy environment, and also trying to secure for the future education. On the social issue they were probably be struggling on how to create a good ethical and moral foundation for the children. They are probably many other issue that the will be arguing about, but so far all of the research that are done on family problem always end up with these two major factors.
   Even though we may be great planners in creating the perfect plan we should know that we live in a society that may change and not be fully compatible with our plans. Do not let these certain changes affect you happy home. Although we always like to think positive but when making a plan you should always have plan A and plan B. When you make plans that are flexible and are able to change without notice you are more likely to deal with the problem then if you would have one version of a plan.


   Problem will always arrived but we must learn to discuss and deal with the issues no matter how much we wish not to do so. Turning away or arguing on tough problems were not make them go away. If there's an issue that are too difficult or both party on able to resolve, then I which is just that you look for second opinions. Sometimes they are things that other we see that you will probably not notice. If there's something that you do not wish to talk about with other family members, then there is lots of books and information out there that you can begin to research.
   One thing I can tell you is that there is no such thing as a small problem. If a solution does not arrive and take care of those small problems eventually they will become a big problem. A lot of us see in movies and television how people just scream and yell and do stupid things to resolve the problems. You must will member that in the movie the have to dramatize and exaggerate the issue in order for it to become entertainment. But in the will world people actually sit down and try to discuss the issue that may arrive. Believe it or not sometime it even helps a great deal to actually write these down in make some sort of diagram finding different solution to resolve one problem. I know that you do not see this in the movie so you figure it must be a silly thing to do, but I have used this technique many time and has always resolve my problem within hours.

   I hope I was helpful in giving you some few tips an idea in making a happy home.

Before leaving any common please take a look at the information note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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