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Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to live forever (A)


   The topic for this article is how to live forever. I thought I will be able to do it in one article but it seems to be just a little bit more complicated. And usually I'm the kind of person who like to simplify things. You're probably thinking that I would talk about a good nutritional diet and a unique set of exercise program. But that will only help to reduce the a lot of unnecessary suffering for the physical body. I personally believe that being vegetarian will play an important role in your physical well-being. Although we human a very capable of eating just about anything that walk, creep, crawl, fly or swimming it does not mean that our physiology is designed to do so. But I'm not going to get into the vegetarian subject.
   So now you're probably thinking maybe to associate myself to some sort of religious group of philosophic Institute. Maybe participate in some kind of special meditation or contemplation, or probably invoke some special mantra to bring about illumination. But I believe that will only help the psychological aspect of your mind and you believe. I personally believe that this will set a tone for the beginning of understanding what is to live forever.

   So how do you live forever. According to philosophy theory that we have reincarnated many times in many lives. Before I continue a quick note that Shakespeare once said "life is a stage, we played many roles in many lives", whether he was trying to say something more profound that is up to you. But in continuing, if this is true that we have reincarnated many time why is it that a great majority of the people do not remember the last reincarnation? Could it be so we do not dwell on what we have done in the past? Could it be so we do not continue to punish ourselves or mistake we have done in the past? Could it be so we do not remember the material things that we left behind? I can go on saying "could it be" on many other issue. That is something that you have to decide yourself, but I do not want to get into a long debate regarding on reincarnation.
   But upon contemplating on the possibility of reincarnation, I began to look on this one life that I have right now. And that is the same possibility that we do in this life that sound like reincarnation. And that is how we look and dwell on the past instead of looking on the present and prepare ourselves for the future. People seem to suffer and torment themselves on mistake that they have done on the past. I do see and understand the general idea of why people suffer from the mistake, but to continue to dwell on the past does not help you to continue to move forward. If you pick any subject like personal, business, religious or political you will always find people mentioning of the mistake the have done in the past.

   So what does this have to do with living forever. Well it is very simple, the great majority of humanity have intentness in living one moment of their lives and trapping themselves in their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body. This is something that would keep the divine soul from becoming the I AM. Maybe that statement was a little bit too universal to understand. Let me take a couple a step back and explain. We originally are not this mentally or emotionally or this physical body. We once had the ability to live continuously without deterioration. But then we began to focus as if we were an individual instead of being as a whole. We began to create our own illusions and then our own desire and eventually we were manifested in this physical world.
   In order for us to detach ourselves from the mentally and emotionally and in the physically, we must first realize that we are not any of those three things. It is easy said than done. We are to detach and to involve to easily began to let go. But in reality these are the things that are keeping us from going back to our true nature.

   I will stop for now but I will touch the subject again in the near future.

Before leaving any common please take a look at the important note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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