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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Good deed, good action. (A)


   A person found a package that contain $1000. Although he was in financial difficulty, he decided to turn it in and hope that someone could find.

That person that loss that $1000 could also be in financial difficulty.
Or that person could have been on his way to give it to someone that was in need, like someone sick or family member.
Or maybe he was on his way to give it to a charity organization that help people in need.
Or maybe he was on his way to the bank or a financial group to pay off a property that he had before it gets repossessed or put up for foreclosure.

 We can go back and forth debating all the possibility of what that $1000 could have been for. And we can go back and forth debating on all the possibility of why he should return the money or not.

 But one thing is for certain, that you should never take what you know for sure that is not yours. By returning that $1000 his action is worth more than all the money he would have found. For his good deed and good action would be with him far more longer than all the money he would have had.

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Bless you all and be well.

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