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Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to forgive. (A)

   To be forgiven is a noble attribute for someone to have. It is an action of compassion and tolerance. In every religion and philosophy, they talk about how to express and practice in "how to forgive". There is even a quote that go like this, "To err is Human,to forgive is Divine" by Alexander Pope. Forgiving is an aspect that humanity have that make us more civilized and spiritual. It is an action that help us grow and go above our ego and selfishness. In Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism, it is one of the fundamental basic for their religion. And in the philosophy community from around the world. It is thought and express in many levels. But

Here are some few quote that I found out of many.

And here is a portrait of forgiveness.

If you tried to reach inside your heart you can find forgiveness,
or at least the start.
Informed that place where you can forgive is where hope and love,
also thrive in live.

And with each step that you tried to take and with that chance that your heart break.
Come so much happiness, and so much different,
which alone can carry you a fantastic let.

For hate and anger would not get you there and through you say that you just don't care.
You can EASILY avoid the pain on wish hate feeds,
the kind of hurt the no one needs.

Just make the move,
take the firt stride let go of the thing known as "Foolish Pride".
Maybe then you can start to repair the past into something strong,
that will mend and last!

By Barry S. Maltese


   But like everything nowadays, people in our society have taking the Constitution, Religion and Philosophy to accommodate their own personal need. People knowingly that they are doing things that is unacceptable and ethically wrong. And expected to be forgiven, with no retribution or consequence. They are expected to be forgiven and will remind you of your religious oath and a civil right. But people are losing the ability to understand the balance of when to forgive and when not to forgive. Just like freedom of speech and expression that are literally being abuse from their original concept. Forgiveness is being given the same treatment of abuse and the meaning of their own original concept. There is a well-known phrase that go like this "forgive but do not forget". Does that mean we should forgive someone completely?

Sometime forgiving someone does not necessarily would help them. People need to learn that they are responsible for the action, in need to be prepare to deal with their consequence of the action. Sometime forgiving someone may cause more harm than good. People will take advantage of the opportunity to continue to make the same mistake knowing that they would easily be forgiven. Despite some limitation, religion do have an important function in keeping our society from being destructive. It tells you what happened when you sin and what is your consequence for your action. It also tells you how to deal with your sin and how you can forgive yourself.

Even if you are not a religious person and you prefer to inclined yourself more on philosophy. Even in the community of philosophy ideas. People have taken advantage of the philosophy ideas for the own greedy need. Sometime people would tell you that if you cannot forgive them, that you are not a good or spiritual person. And that it is not true. We forgive other only so we can grow out of holding anger or hatred within our self.

   But at the end the only one that can forgive you is the creator. The creator is the only one that can forgive you and have a value impact in your life. And also the only one that can also forgive you is yourself. You can try to deceive yourself. Even though you know that whatever you don't it is wrong. So how can you forgive yourself? Well, you must 1st rectify your mistake, whether by fixing the problem or confronting the situation. Once you resolve the problem, you must find it within yourself to forgive. And obviously, if you learned your lesson avoid repeated again.

Before leaving any common please take a look at the important note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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