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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why do we suffer? (D)

    We are a unique species on this planet, so much that it truly separate us from any other life form on this planet. We are so unique in so many ways that it truly define who we are. We are the only species that have developed a verbal communication like no other species. We have learned to develop and create a series of combination of verbal sound and created an alpha-bet. And then using the combination of letters and sound of the alpha-bet to create and put together to make a series of words. And then we have manage to collect and create a series of words to create and put down on writing of ideas and meanings. That is truly a unique task for any life form to develop.

    There is also another unique aspect that we as a specie have that no other have on this planet. And that is a wide range of different way of how we suffer. We suffer when we are injured or sick. We suffer when we are emotionally hurt. We suffer when a loved one or a friend crossed to the other side. These are the major aspect that we as human have that would be similar toward other species.

    But what make us even more unique in suffering that you would not see in other species, and is it that of superficial corporeal things. We suffer if we do not get the computer or iPod that we wanted. We suffer if we do not get that expensive brand-name shoes or clothing that just came out. We suffer if we do not go to that trip to Walt Disney that we wanted to go. We suffer if we do not get that particular jewelry or wash that is on display. This is what make us unique than any other species on this planet.
And that is just the physical part, we also have a unique way of suffering emotionally. We suffer because someone close to us does not tell us often enough how much they love us, despise how much they show often how much they care. We suffer because sometime we do not think of something smart as other would. We suffer because someone did not remember us doing a time of a special occasion.

You must realize that this was a short list. For they are so many areas in which I know some of you can come up with other issue that we suffer from. Despise of how some of you may think some of these issue may be silly to you. But for others they are serious issue in which they find themselves suffering. I AM not going to make any judgment on what I believe that would be a legitimate or illegitimate reason for suffering. But one thing is for certain, that if you observe and listen very carefully you will seeing that in every situation. People would come to the same conclusion and ask the same question "why".

   And that is the part that I like the most that make us unique as a species. Once we begin to ask "why do things happen" and "why do we suffer". I'll mind begins to ask a simple question. And before you know it, we are exploring beyond this universe. We begin to philosophized and come up with theories of all the possibilities. Then you will realize that you are no longer suffering. But now you are an explore of thought and imagination. We begin to see things that we have never seen before. We begin to understand things that we never knew or understood. In another word, we begin to grow. And that is what make us more unique than any other species.

Maybe you should wonder and contemplate what would happen if we never suffer. What would our life and belief would be. What were would think of ourselves in this universe. Maybe in a stupid and idiotic kind of way, maybe because of our suffering we have become a life form with a unique consciousness and awareness like no other life form on this planet.

Before leaving any common please take a look at the important note to your right.

Bless you all and be well.

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